Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's About to Be Over

From Oprah.com...

Are you ready? Because I'm certainly not. But then, you know that. Every day, tens of you drop by to see if I've updated after every show (or because you Googled "Oprah's tits," which happens way more then I care to admit), and every day one or two of you (basically Katie and my friend Ashlie) are disappointed to find that I am a slacker. I'd probably be crowned "Oprah's Ultimate Slacker," if she had such a category.

You know that I am not ready to reflect on this season, since I haven't been able to reflect on many of the final episodes. To be fair, I have (mostly) lived up to the "watching" aspect of the title of this blog. In recent weeks, I have only missed the James Frey episodes. And over the course of this season, I'm pretty sure I haven't missed more than five episodes, total. So, yeah, I've been "watching." I just haven't been writing. Which doesn't exactly make for a compelling blog.

I don't know how to truly explain to you how busy I am. I don't have any days off. Ever. Even right now, I should be working, but I felt like I had to write something on the eve of the finale. So I'll just be up even later tonight as a result.

For me, this finale is coming as something of an anticlimax. If I had been on my game all season, diligently watching every episode and writing about it every night, maybe things would be different. But this blog has obviously fallen by the wayside in the last several months, and so I'm unfortunately feeling only a sense of relief that I won't have to feel guilty about this anymore. And I'm also feeling like a failure for not not doing a better job all along.

So, maybe I am ready for this finale after all, even if it doesn't matter what I have to say about it because I haven't left my imprint on the blogosphere or Oprah or even more than a few readers.

Oprah is doing her best to prepare us for the inevitable conclusion. In fact, tonight while I was looking up which episodes I'd missed, I went to Oprah.com and found this page waiting for me:

I didn't want to know what would happen if I selected the "Click Here To Go Back" option. Where would that take me? Back to the beginning of this season, so I could start this insanity over again and maybe do it right this time? Back 25 years to the very beginning of the show? No thank you.

It's like Oprah is telling those who come to her website, "Don't you get it? I don't exist anymore. Move on!"

Well, she exists for one more day. I'll be watching the finale "live" tomorrow. I hear it's going to be a lot of Oprah just talking to the audience. That makes sense. Every person (well, woman; we know the demographic here) will feel like Oprah is speaking directly to her. And maybe she will be. Every person who will be watching feels something for Oprah, even if that "something" is disdain.

Several episodes ago, one of the celebrities who said goodbye to Oprah at the end of a show was Dolly Parton. I had to write down one thing that Dolly said, because it rang so true. When speaking of Oprah's reach and influence, Dolly said, "Everyone owns a little piece of Oprah."

How can I disagree with that?

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Today is the day. I now you will be busy...but I look forward to your reflection on this episode.
