Friday, November 19, 2010

11/18/10 -- Makeovers with Carson Kressley

My sister tells me that having a peritonsillar abscess is no excuse for skipping a blog posting. Yesterday I was plagued by an inability to swallow without insane pain. Like, every time I forced myself to choke down some water so I wouldn't completely dehydrate, I also had to punch myself in the leg. I got a milkshake, and I didn't want any of it. Maybe you don't know this about me, but I might cut off a limb if it meant I could get some ice cream. So, this whole not wanting a milkshake business? Not normal.

This is all to say that I am disagreeing with my sister. I firmly believe I was well within my rights to slack off this week. Even now, drinking water or trying to eat applesauce or another milkshake is not the most pleasant experience, but it seems like the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are working their magic. Which means that next week's excuse will be the holiday, and not this blogger's extreme illness.

And now I have to tell you that I don't even know how to write about a makeover show. It's not like I took pictures of every couple who got the Carson Kressley treatment, so what good does it do for me to say, "This was a good makeover" or "They looked really great"? Answer: It does no good at all.

So, Kressley has had some major work done on his face. And Oprah herself looked like she could use a makeover during this episode. It's not that she looked bad; it's just that she didn't look like a woman with a nationally syndicated talk show. Unless that nationally syndicated talk show is about women who've just gotten back from the gym after a long day at work.

That's all I have. I'm not joking. Carson has had work done, he's super gay and seems nice enough, and Oprah needed to have him give her the once-over before she came out on stage. The end.

Friday: Oprah's Ultimate Favorite Things

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